C.M. Consulting
A Division of Cliff Mansfield Enterprises
Specializing in New & Used Asphalt Plants, Sales, Parts, Service, Repairs, DEQ and Mix Design Compliance and Complete Consulting Services.
Expert Witness Services.
C. M. Consulting
P O Box 407
Odell, Oregon 97044
United States
Fax: 541-352-7943

Author name: Cliff Mansfield

I’m Cliff Mansfield, president and owner of Cliff Mansfield Incorporated. C.M. Consulting is one of 3 divisions of this parent company. I have worked in the paving industry since 1975. I started as a ground-man on a 1951 StanSteel RM-40, but soon moved up to plant operator. Within a year I was in charge of three plants and their personnel. Since 1975 I have been in direct contact with all styles of asphalt plants and have acquired a strong background in on-going operations and repairs. I started C.M. Consulting in 1990 and have been in 97 countries on 6 continents since then.

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Burner Sales

ASPHALT PLANTS NEW AND USED EQUIPMENT FOR SALE New Equipment: Exclusive Listing If you see this plant listed elsewhere please call me immediately. 1,000 gallon Asphalt Calibration Tank. Portable. Complete with scales and calibration weights. Weighs about 5,000#. Pulls easily with a 3/4 ton pickup. Mounted on 3 RICE-LAKE 5k Load-cells. Includes Cardinal “Detecto” Model

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